How this works

Supernova Bursts are the beginnings, or roots, of many (much) bigger ideas waiting to be fleshed out into their own essays or pages. The Love First Writing Experiment invites people to donate small dollar amounts to crowd-fund the creation of Pieces that they are most keen to learn more from.

Currently, Pieces are put at the top of the to-write pile when donations for them pass the threshold of $55.

For more information, see the To Write Pile.

Link to original

What if our world doesn’t have to be so scary.

What if we can change it?

All of us having actual, meaningful control over our fate.

I Want To Make A (•) Difference In The World.

A Love First Idea: The JEDI Knights of Cydonia playlist

Set Your Controls

To accept this mission Set your control points

I (Don’t) Want This To Define My Fate

My Control Point Is •

  • 🌀 1: Mars
  • 🌀 1: Faruk

The offer:

  1. Who • What is Ayreon?
  2. 🌀 1: If Arjen ever wants to use French Horn on one of his albums
  3. Earth One: This Is My Offer To You
  4. (Concerns) Mars:, they accelerated you (• boomerang of love•) again
  5. 🌀 1: Everything Is Everything (In My Head)

This is a story about Faruk Rainbow Dragon Supernova

(This Is: a Supernova Burst)

Context Matters:

  1. Me telling the Love First origin story to Mars
  2. Us watching Stranger Than Fiction

I am (The Protagonist •• For Now)

This is my plan:

Break The Fourth Wall Made With Love First Context Matters

Love First Day

Big Hero 6

His Timepiece Changed Everything

I’m The (Omniscient) Narrator

And This Is Just The Prologue

A (Love) Catalyst to An Entirely New Life

  • (Rewatch STF)

Introduce someone you love to a movie you love

Why I think (• A Group Identity •) Can Save Us

In Love First:

  • You Don’t Have Suicidal Ideation, You’re Just Trying To Figure Out How To Kill Off A Character In Your Own Story

I read this in •• this fantastically (depressing) book

My offer: If you work with me closely, you’ll find yourself frequently saying or thinking: “I find it surprisingly easy to do this thing that I’ve never done my entire life.”

Hi, my name is Faruk, and I offer Community and Identity Coaching. Here’s What That Means.

I Am Going Love First; Here’s What That Means.

I want (a):

  • Queen Latifah From Stranger Than Fiction In my life

Maybe we should use some different language about how to convince everyone of their imminent death…

Because some people may have an understandable tendency to get really angry when they feel like they might be about to die (All. The. Time.)

I am (this character) in my own life

What if what I’m saying is true: My World In 2040 Our Better World In 2040

To learn about love: Go see an expert about love Go see a Love Catalyst

My challenge to people with opposing views:

  • I write how and why I Think YOU feel
  • You write how and why you think I feel
  • We move forward from whichever piece we both love more than the other

(Little Did He Know)

I want to give an entire seminar about:

  • 🌀 1: Own Your Actions

MWLF My MWLF technique for when I do seminars and workshops:

If I use a quote from something, like from STF:

I left my socialist reading material at home

(…because someone started complaining about socialism in the middle of my facilitation and it’s not the topic of concern)

…it is also an invitation to point out the reference. “Question or Answer?”

The meaning of a statement can become quite different just by finishing the sentence.

I want to practice making myself extremely useful (to •• for) other people

The only way to find out what story you’re in is to:

  • eliminate what stories you’re NOT in
  • AND
  • write it out yourself

Do you have magical powers? Yes

Are we making a comedy or a tragedy?

(Develop That)

<which scene?> You had a little portal there?

My first essay: How I want to make the world a better place with my vision of love first

Karen Eiffel’s writing herself into her own story.

Dear Billionaires The Plot Is Coming To You

STF: the two timelines segment I am really good at envisioning possible timelines that a lot of people would love. (This is airbending; I haven’t been doing it much at all lately, however.)

Consent Puzzle: Solved! (For Now) (See image: my puzzle page, multi-dimensional storytelling)

A Bible But With Version Control

I want to satisfy your consciousness with the cases I make

The Harmony System: an explicit social contract for a more harmonious world

A Love First experiment: Watch Big Hero 6 on Dec 17th Declare rock bottom on Dec 18th and envision a new reality—together or on your own

Let’s write a better story for all of us

Rule #1: You Do (Not) Talk About Write Club

  1. I will write the blueprint which each “essay”—regardless of its medium—is to be modeled on, at least to start
  2. This equalizes the playing field a little (not that it matters) and, more importantly, it makes for a bench line or set of metrics by which we can assess it
  3. The prompt is: who can write the most loving picture of a possible future for us
  4. Let’s see if we can get this spaceship earth back on a more agreeable course for everyone

The Less Famous Experiment Of Schrödinger’s Cup

I had a moth (not a regular one?) and a tiny spider both show up in my bathroom at the exact same time. The reason they showed up so perfectly simultaneously is that… that was when I turned on the light.

“Great, two new unwanted roommates. At least one is here to take care of the other, though.”

I contemplated what to do, and ultimately decided to nudge nature’s hand. I put a clear cup over the moth, ushered the tiny spider onto a small piece of toilet paper, and put the cup—with fly!—on top of it.

The fly is slightly larger than the spider, yet, who will eat whom? Until I go back in to check, they are both equally dead and alive to me.

The Wake Does Not Determine The Boat’s Course

If I throw a ball in the air and carefully observe where it lands, and then I pick it up and throw the ball in the exact same way from the exact same position using the exact same hand motion, angle, velocity, and energy as I did on the first throw…

Would the ball land in the exact same place?

The only true answer is you can’t predict that with certainty, because the prompt does not specify sufficient context or constraints for the experiment. I could throw it identically, but then I could snag it out of the air or swat it away before it hit the ground.

We can change our minds any time we want to, and anytime we feel we need to, and we can radically alter the course of a trajectory. You can suddenly turn the wheel or rudder on the boat. You can snag the ball out of the air. [[You Can Change Your Mind. On Anything. On Everything.]]

We can interfere with nature’s course; how ‘bout we try some more/new/different ways to interfere with it for positive impact?

I want to offer Community & Identity Coaching

(What does that mean?)

Community → potluck salons on a topic with leaders and interested parties from the community

(Mars’s song circle, me chiming in with the five stages of mastery)

The stage of conscious incompetence SUCKS

I’m starting to see where my competency has become conscious, and perhaps even unconscious, with Love First. Things are starting to flow more freely.