This is a planned Sitemap for As part of the Love First Writing Experiment, you can donate any amount to Faruk using either Venmo or Paypal to support the creation of any of these items; just put the page name or essay title in your message to move it towards the top of the To Write pile.

  • /start-here
  • /love-first-is
    • /an-idea
    • /a-story
    • /a-framework
    • /a-way-of-life
    • /a-shared-identity
    • /a-prefix
    • /an-olive-branch
    • /a-social-contract
    • /a-movement
  • /how-to/go-love-first/
    • /rules
    • /agreements
    • /practices
  • /philosophy
    • /priorities
    • /vision
    • /practices
    • /universal-love
    • /game-of-love
    • /mindsets
      • /loving-vs-unloved-mindset
      • /growth-vs-fixed-mindset
      • /abundance-vs-scarcity-mindset
      • /interdependent-vs-individualist-mindset
      • /cosmocentric-vs-egocentric-mindset
      • /holistic-vs-atomic-mindset
  • /models
    • /priorities
    • /universal-growth-model
    • /mobius-strip
    • /n-plus-1
    • /four-diamonds
    • /three-strikes
    • /k2-everest
    • /gender-hexagon
  • /framework
    • /five-stages-of-mastery
    • /context-matters
  • /everything-is
    • /everything
    • /a-remix
    • /love
    • /a-story
    • /a-spectrum
    • /a-game
    • /a-skill
    • /a-bubble
    • /connected
    • /holographic
    • /communication
    • /fine
    • /political
    • /consciousness
  • /ideas
    • /years-of-love-playlists
    • /social-development-platform
    • /story-menu
    • /participatory-tattoos
  • /people
    • /faruk
    • /supernova
    • /you
  • /essays
  • /newsletter