The Love First Writing Experiment

Hi, I’m Faruk Ateş, and I have about 1.5 million words written on the subject of Love First, a way of life and framework for understanding and practicing Universal Love, or Love as it permeates throughout our entire lives. This is not just about romantic love or intimacy, but rather, a profound and spiritual appreciation for Love as a cosmic energy current that you can tap into, align with, and channel into your life, your work and, yes, your relationships. The net result is greater peace, joy, creativity, happiness, inner wisdom, social connection, and a flourishing of all the things in your life that you love.

I have turned this framework into a signature system for personal and professional transformation called Cosmic Flow State, which I offer as part of my coaching services. However, I firmly believe that the teachings of Love First should be accessible to everyone on the planet, free of charge, and that they should be open source in nature.

As mentioned, I have a lot of written content, but most of it is not yet published. In fact, much of it is in draft state not quite ready to be published either, but now that this website——is up and running, backed by a technology stack that lets me use one of my favorite writing tools (Obsidian) to organize all of this work into usable, reusable, and even interactive content, things are about to change.

Before I open source the entire Love First philosophy, framework, and all of its foundational contents, I need to put it all online first and move the pieces into position. This is a giant puzzle, as we’re talking about something that is truly an entire way of life, distilled into a set of practices, principles, ideas, mindsets, models, and so on. There is a ton of research behind the teachings of Love First, too, and all of it needs to be organized. But in what order? That’s where you come in.

This first Love First Writing Experiment is participatory for anyone who wishes to see a better world for all of humanity—not just a select or “chosen” few. A world that truly lives in peace and harmony, with all of its people and with nature itself. I have devoted the entire rest of my life to making Love First succeed in its mission and vision, to creating content and technologies and even social platforms to help us overcome our differences, unite in harmony, and have us collectively tell A Story That Will Save Us, rather than one to enrage us.

I chose to devote myself to this because I believe in a story of a more beautiful world. Love First is that story, and you can help us all write it.

The Experiment

There are two parts to this experiment. The first part is a crowd-funding approach using donations (from anyone) for publishing the Love First philosophy and spreading it online. The second part is a crowd-writing experiment that uses elements from the first part (published, initially, by me) to help us all write a better story for humanity at large, and our own personal lives within it.

The way the first part works is simple: take a look at the Sitemap or any of the shared Supernova Bursts for content titles that you wish to see. Send any dollar amount to Faruk using either Venmo or Paypal and mention the name of the piece you are donating towards in the comment. Currently, all Pieces of content have a threshold of $55 before they get added to the To-Write pile.


My hypothesis for this experiment follows the two-part structure:

Part One
I believe that people will be curious about, find value in, and appreciate the free publishing of my Love First system which I’m currently selling for $5,500 to high-paying clients in my coaching business. My theory is that enough people will be curious about this to keep a small financial incentive going for me to sit my ass down and write at every opportunity I get, something my closest friends have been telling me to do for over twenty years now. I believe that creating a financial involvement, even through mere donations, creates a sense of ownership to the people eager enough to donate to see this massively ambitious project come to fruition, and they deserve to have ownership over this project. After all, it is meant to eventually become Open Source.

Part Two
The Stories We Write Become The Future We Get. That piece will go into much more detail on what that means (once written; see part 1), but in a nutshell, it means that we have compelling reason to believe that if we write ourselves a better future world to inhabit, and write better trajectories for humanity, we increase the chances of those visions becoming reality. But in order for it to be a vision for the future that truly supports all people, it does need to have an incredibly wide and diverse range of voices contributing to it. With the Love First platform (as currently envisioned), not only would everyone be able to contribute meaningfully and harmoniously, but everyone would be getting a better life experience out of it for themselves, right away.

If this speaks to you, you can begin your participation by checking out the Sitemap or any of the shared Supernova Bursts for content titles you wish to see, and then send any dollar amount to Faruk using either Venmo or Paypal.