Love First Essays

This section is for essays written to spark new ways of thinking, being, and seeing the world. These essays can be on any topic you can think of, but will always Connect The Dots back to Universal Love somehow, showing how and why Love is present in the topic at hand.

Currently, the Love First Writing Experiment is inviting readers to support my work through donations towards individual Pieces they wish to learn more about. The To Write page contains an overview of what’s currently at the top of the pile to be written next, but any piece of content in the Sitemap or any of the Supernova Bursts is eligible.

To Write

The To-Write Pile

This is an ordered table of pieces that have had money donated towards them for creation, as part of the Love First Writing Experiment. This page is typically updated within 24 hours after a donation is made.

Send any dollar amount to Faruk using either Venmo or Paypal to support the creation of new content, and put the page name or essay title in your message.

To see what content is being considered, check out the Sitemap and any published Supernova Bursts.

Page or essay titleCurrent raised $Target $
Abundance vs. Scarcity Mindset$55 ✅$55
Love First Writing Experiment$0$55
The Heart of Consent$0$55
Breaking The Fourth Wall$0$55
Breaking The Fourth Wall: Avatar The Last Airbender$0$55

Link to original
