About Faruk Ateş

Photo of Faruk

Faruk Ateş

Principal Source of Love
Love First

Hi, my name is Faruk Ateş, and I’m a Love First Person. It’s like a regular person, but with the explicit statement of wanting to co-create A Better World for all of us. It's a way of indicating that I am Going Love First, meaning I am committed to applying The Elemental Practices of Universal Love every day, as best I can.

I believe all people have a desire to make their lives easier and less complicated, and that with the right support, the right approach, and the right mindset, we can provide just that to anyone. Part of this journey is healing ourselves, often a necessary step before we can mend bridges with others.

Love First is about facilitating this work, for ourselves and each other, for individuals and communities and organizations alike.

We are an incredible species, with cosmic potential. I’m on a life mission, a calling, to help us get there. Together with your brilliance, your unique perspective, your dreams and your story, I believe we can co-create a world where each of us knows that we belong here, we are valued, we are worthy of love and respect, and we are supported to discover, explore, and pursue our own dreams in life.

Together, we can build a world on foundations of love. I hope you’ll join me.